Scrambler Cycle will be closed FEB 3-7

Honda CB72 CB77 Superhawk CA72 CA77 Dream 250 305 Engine Oil Seal Set Kit

Regular price $25.00

Honda CB72 CB77 Superhawk CA72 CA77 Dream Engine Oil Seal Set

The following seals are included in this kit.

91205-259-000 (8x21x6)
91202-250-000 (14x25x7) (qty:2)
91204-200-000 (12x25x4.5)
91205-200-000 (22x26x29x8)
91204-259-000 (16x28x7)
91206-259-000 (20x30x5)
91201-259-000 (32x65x6.5)
91203-259-000 (30x62x8)