Scrambler Cycle will be closed FEB 3-7

Honda CB1100 FT500 GL650 XR250R XL250R XR600R Air Cut Off Valve Set

Regular price $8.00

 Honda CB1100 FT500 GL650 XR250R XL250R XR600R Air Cut Off Valve Set

REF 18-2796
Honda REF 16048-KB7-901

Aftermarket air cutoff diaphragm with spring and o-ring. All parts shown in picture. Sold each.

Fitment list provided for reference. Please make sure your bike is in the list!

Honda CB1000C Custom 1983
Honda CB1100F 1983
Honda CRF230F 2003 - 2004
Honda CX650C Custom 1983
Honda FT500 Ascot 1982 - 1983
Honda GL650 Silver Wing 1983
Honda GL650I Silver Wing Interstate 1983
Honda XL250R 1982 - 1983
Honda XL500R 1982
Honda XR250R 1986 - 2004
Honda XR350R 1985
Honda XR600R 1988 - 2000