Honda GL1100 CM400 CM450 CX500 XR500 Air Cut Off Valve Set
REF 18-2795
Honda REF 16048-429-671
Aftermarket air cutoff diaphragm with spring and o-ring. All parts shown in picture. Sold each.
Fitment list provided for reference. Please make sure your bike is in the list!
Honda CB400T Hawk 1980 - 1981
Honda CB450SC Nighthawk 1982 - 1986
Honda CB450T Hawk 1982
Honda CB650 1980
Honda CB650C Custom 1980
Honda CB750C Custom 1980 - 1982
Honda CB750F Super Sport 1980 - 1982
Honda CB750K 1980 - 1982
Honda CB750SC Nighthawk 1982 - 1983
Honda CB900C Custom 1980 - 1982
Honda CB900F Super Sport 1981 - 1982
Honda CM400A Hondamatic 1980 - 1981
Honda CM400C Custom 1981
Honda CM400E 1980 - 1981
Honda CM400T 1980 - 1981
Honda CM450A Hondamatic 1982 - 1983
Honda CM450C Custom 1982
Honda CM450E 1982 - 1983
Honda CX500C Custom 1980 - 1982
Honda CX500D Deluxe 1980 - 1981
Honda GL1100 Gold Wing 1980 - 1983
Honda GL1100A Gold Wing Aspencade 1982 - 1983
Honda GL1100I Gold Wing Interstate 1980 - 1983
Honda GL500 Silver Wing 1981 - 1982
Honda GL500I Silver Wing Interstate 1981 - 1982
Honda XL250S 1980 - 1981
Honda XL500S 1979 - 1981
Honda XR250 1980
Honda XR250R 1981 - 1982
Honda XR500 1979 - 1980
Honda XR500R 1981 - 1982